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Security & Privacy Policy

We have created this policy to demonstrate our firm commitment to your privacy. This policy is your guide to how we will handle information we learn about you from your visit to our website.
Information Collected by Page and How We Use It
Page may collect personal information when you use our website or when you voluntarily provide us with your personal information, such as personal information submitted by you through our website when you submit an online form or personal information submitted by you through email. Examples of personal information that we may collect include contact information you provide, such as name, email address, phone number and other information regarding your visit and use of our website.
As with many other internet sites, we collect certain information in the form of “cookies” to understand how users use our website. Cookies are small pieces of data sent from a website and storied on a visitor’s web browser. Cookies may be used to gather information that will help us personalize your experience on our website and to customize and improve the content and layout. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can modify your browser settings to refuse to accept cookies if
you prefer. We use Google Analytics and other third-party plug-ins to tailor our content to our visitors. For more information about how Google Analytics uses your information, please consult Google’s Privacy and Terms. You can always opt-out of Google Analytics cookies through Google’s opt-out page.
Sharing Your Information
Page will never rent, trade, or sell your e-mail address or other personal information for commercial purposes.
Rights Regarding Your Information
You may request access to, correction or deletion of your personal information held by Page. We will consider any such request seriously and promptly, although we may choose not to delete information where it is necessary for compliance with our legal obligations, or we otherwise have a substantial need
to retain the data. You may also have rights to restrict or to object to processing of your data and to portability of your data to other service providers. You may exercise any of these rights by contacting us as described below.
Retention of Information
We keep personal information, in a form which permits us to identify you, for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or until consent to hold the data is revoked,
provided that there is no other basis for us to hold the information, such as to comply with our legal obligations, protect and defend Page against legal claims, or it is not technically reasonably feasible to remove it.
Contacting Us
If you have any questions about this privacy policy, the practices of this website, or your dealings with this website, you can contact us at

Our privacy policy may change occasionally, and we will endeavor to inform you of any major changes. Each time you use our website the current version of the policy will apply.

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